CDP: Nomination of the slates of candidates for the renewal of Terna’s corporate bodies
Press release

CDP: Nomination of the slates of candidates for the renewal of Terna’s corporate bodies

Rome, 18 March 2017 

Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) announces that, in view of Terna Spa’s shareholders’ meeting, called for 27 April 2017, the following slates of candidates have been nominated:

Board of Directors


Catia Bastioli



Luigi Ferraris



Elena Vasco (*)



Yunpeng He



Fabio Corsico (*)



Stefano Saglia (*)


(*) Candidate meeting the independence requirements set out in the Consolidated law on financial intermediation (Testo Unico della Finanza) and in the Corporate governance code of listed companies.


Board of Statutory Auditors

Standing auditors


Maria Alessandra Zunino de Pignier



Vincenzo Simone


Alternate auditors


Renata Maria Ricotti



Cesare Felice Mantegazza


The slates of candidates will be presented by CDP RETI S.p.A., company controlled by CDP, directly owning a stake in Terna equal to 29,851% of the share capital.

The following proposals related to the renewal of Terna’s corporate bodies will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting:

  • to appoint Catia Bastioli as Chairman of the Board of Directors;
  • to determine the number of nine members for the Board of Directors;
  • to establish the term of office of three years for the directors, whose office will expire with the approval of 2019 financial statements;
  • to confirm the gross annual remuneration payable to the members of the Board of Directors at euro 50,000 for the Chairman of the Board of Directors and at euro 35,000 for each of the other directors, plus the reimbursement of expenses incurred;
  • To confirm the gross annual remuneration payable to the standing auditors at euro 55,000 for the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and at euro 45,000 for each of the other standing auditors, plus the reimbursement of expenses incurred.


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