Rome, 29 May 2020 – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. (CDP) announced that today Nicola Bedin was designated as Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Snam S.p.A. The proposal will be presented to the company's Shareholders' Meeting, called for 18 June 2020.
The designation follows the recent resignation of the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, Luca Dal Fabbro.
The nomination will be proposed by CDP Reti S.p.A. (pursuant to article 126-bis, paragraph 1, penultimate sentence of the Consolidated Law on Finance), a subsidiary of CDP and direct shareholder of Snam holding 31.038% of the share capital.
Nicola Bedin, a graduate in economics and management from Bocconi University in Milan, began his career at Mediobanca and was a non-executive director of Italgas where he served as Chairman of the Sustainability Committee and member of the Control, Risk and Related Party Transactions Committee. A manager and entrepreneur, he was also CEO of the San Donato Hospital Group where he led the restructuring and turnaround of the San Raffaele Hospital.