Rome, 31 March 2022 – The Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA (CDP) today approved the following list of candidates in view of the renewal of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Snam Spa and Italgas SpA:
Snam - 31.35% equity investment held through CDP Reti SpA List of candidates for the office of director 1. Monica De Virgiliis (Chairperson) 2. Stefano Venier (*) (**) 3. Qinjing Shen 4. Augusta Iannini (*) 5. Alessandro Tonetti 6. Francesca Fonzi (*) Candidate who stated that he/she meets the independence requirements pursuant to Article 147-ter, paragraph 4, and Article 148, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance and Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code. (**) Candidate with the specific professional competencies for the office of chief executive officer. Pursuant to Article 126-bis, paragraph 1, penultimate sentence of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the proposal to appoint Monica De Virgiliis as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Snam will also be submitted.
List of candidates for the office of statutory auditor Standing Auditors 1. Gianfranco Chinellato (*) (**) 2. Ines Gandini (*) (**) Alternate Auditors 1. Maria Gimigliano (*) (**) 2. Federico Sambolino (*) (**)
(*) Candidate listed in the register of chartered auditors who stated he/she performed statutory auditing of accounts for a period of not less than three years (**) Candidate who stated that he/she further meets the independence requirements laid down by Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code.
Italgas - 26.01% equity investment held through CDP Reti SpA List of candidates for the office of director (The list will also be submitted to Snam SpA, according to the existing Shareholders' Agreement) 1. Benedetta Navarra (Chairperson) 2. Paolo Gallo (**) 3. Qinjiing Shen 4. Maria Sferruzza 5. Manuela Sabbatini 6. Claudio De Marco (*) 7. Lorenzo Parola (***) 8. Antonella Guglielmetti 9. Maurizio Santacroce (*) (*) Candidate who stated that he/she meets the independence requirements pursuant to Article 147-ter, paragraph 4, and Article 148, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance and Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code. (**) Candidate with the specific professional competencies for the office of chief executive officer. (***) Candidate who stated that he/she meets the independence requirements pursuant to Article 147-ter, paragraph 4, and Article 148, paragraph 3, of the Consolidated Law on Finance. Pursuant to Article 126-bis, paragraph 1, penultimate sentence of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the proposal to appoint Benedetta Navarra as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of Italgas will also be submitted.
List of candidates for the office of statutory auditor Standing Auditors 1. Paola Maria Maiorana (*) (**) 2. Maurizio Di Marcotullio (*) (**) Alternate Auditors 1. Stefano Fiorini (*) (**) (*) Candidate listed in the register of chartered auditors who stated he/she performed statutory auditing of accounts for a period of not less than three years (**) Candidate who stated that he/she further meets the independence requirements laid down by Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code.