Over 120 million euros for infrastructure development at the University of Pisa
Developing infrastructure in the name of innovation and sustainability, to enable the University of Pisa to continue on its strategic growth path as a centre of excellence in Italy and worldwide. This is the ambitious goal behind the memorandum of understanding for university buildings signed by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and the Tuscan university. The aim is to strengthen collaboration with a programme of seven infrastructure projects, for an overall investment of over 120 million euros.
The agreement will lead to the completion of the San Piero Veterinary Area, the construction of the new Biology Centre, the Pharmacy Technology Centre, the Scheibler area which will house an interdepartmental laboratory, and the new Piaggio Centre headquarters. CDP will provide ongoing assistance in order to ensure compliance with the process and speed up the projects.
The agreement also covers the redevelopment of the botanical garden building, the Grani building which will house a museum complex, and the detached Cisanello building which is owned by the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana and where the department of medicine will be.
The agreement, which sees CDP support an Italian university for the first time in the various phases of the design, procedural and administrative process, is in line with the Group's 2019-2021 business plan. It is further evidence of CDP's commitment to working with institutions to accelerate the country's infrastructure development, focusing on three key areas for the Group: innovation, sustainability and development of human and financial capital.