CDP invests €70 million to combat climate change

CDP invests €70 million to combat climate change

A new initiative by joining EGO, the world's largest fund dedicated to green bonds

Fighting climate change, promoting green finance and capital market growth in developing countries. Cassa Depositi e Prestiti’s objectives match those of EGO (Amundi Planet-Emerging Green One), the world’s largest fund dedicated to investing in green bonds, promoted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the world's main Development Finance Institution.

CDP is joining the Fund - which has raised around $1.5 billion - with an investment of €70 million. This reinforces its role as the Italian Financial Institution for Development Cooperation at an international level, in the context of financial support for the fight against climate change.

By investing in EGO, CDP will be working alongside leading development finance institutions including the IFC, the EIB (European Investment Bank), the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and other institutional and private investors. They will help support initiatives with a significant environmental impact, such as energy efficiency projects, renewable energy development and measures to combat climate change. The initiative is accompanied by a training course related to the investment, which aims to share international best practice for the benefit of the issuing institutions.

The initiative confirms CDP's commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on an international level. In particular, it impacts Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda, which aims to ensure availability and the sustainable management of water and sanitation facilities; Goal 7, which is dedicated to ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy; Goal 13, which aims to promote measures to combat climate change and Goal 15, which aims to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of the Earth's ecosystem.