For the first time, visitors are being allowed in to admire the collections of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, which will be open during the FAI Autumn Days, taking place on 14 and 15 October 2023.
The aim of the initiative promoted by the Italian Environment Fund (FAI) is to honour Italy's cultural and scenic treasures, giving people the chance to explore remarkable, often lesser-known or hard-to-reach locations in Italy.
FAI members will get a unique chance to appreciate the CDP Group's art collections housed in the Palazzo di Via Goito in Rome, which have recently undergone a programme of reorganisation, restoration, digitisation and improvement. The exhibition route follows the grand staircase of the early 20th-century palazzo, home to the offices of the institution's historic headquarters.
The collections available to visit stem from the magazine “Civiltà delle Macchine”, which engaged scholars, thinkers and artists to spark a discussion on Italy's industrial, scientific, technological and economic growth after the Second World War, and artists' residencies carried out in factories, representative of a period of industrial patronage of the arts.
The itinerary also includes a visit to two sections of the contemporary art collection, featuring art created through projects in partnership with Fondazione CDP: We Love Art, which supports and encourages the creation of art by eight recognised Italian artists aged under 35, in collaboration with eight Italian companies. Additionally, the itinerary includes the Teogonia Tracce di Futuro project, born from a partnership with the Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico to support young artists and the production of new contemporary artworks.
All the details on the collections that can be viewed during the FAI Days at our headquarters are available on the FAI’s website.
Visitors can join the FAI and get their card at the site entrance during the open days.
Because of its unique multi-level layout with various exhibits on the grand staircase, unfortunately the collections are currently not accessible to those with mobility issues.