Rome - Genoa, November 19, 2018
The Cassa depositi e prestiti Group, together with Fincantieri, the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, Snam and Terna, launches a series of initiatives aimed at supporting the city of Genoa and its metropolitan area, which has been severely affected by the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. To this end, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed by the Delegate Commissioner, the Special Commissioner for Reconstruction, the Liguria Region, the Municipality of Genoa, the Authority of the Western Ligurian Sea Port System and the FILSE (Finanziaria Ligure per lo Sviluppo Economico), to support the economic recovery of the city through a series of diversified measures targeted at helping public bodies, the infrastructural system, businesses, families and finding a solution to the housing emergency.
This agreement represents an important step towards Genoa and its entire metropolitan district's recovery, which comprises a key area in country's economic fabric. Thanks to the collaboration of the institutions and companies that have signed this agreement, it will be possible for families and businesses affected by the collapse of the bridge to begin to return to normal. By virtue of the integrated approach outlined above, the project represents a further step towards the CDP Group's territorial plan, a program aimed at economic and social development, which was formed on the basis of the specific needs and requirements of the different local communities and which will be presented in the Group's next Business Plan.
"The agreement with Cassa depositi e prestiti is an important step to help start restoring Genoa after the collapse of Morandi bridge - declared the president of Regione Liguria Giovanni Toti -. In the last three months, institutions have worked tirelessly to implement structural work and overcome the emergency. From housing emergency being immediately tackled, with all displaced people given a home, to the opening of new alternative transport routes, in addition to implementing an extraordinary school transport plan. Much remains to be done and above all we still need to rebuild the bridge. In the hours immediately following the collapse, the Liguria Region partnered with Cassa depositi e prestiti and the whole group, for an efficient and impactful response to the housing crisis. This agreement looks to strengthen this existing partnership. We can only thank CDP for its commitment to Genoa and the surrounding areas and its support to businesses and families, infrastructure and public bodies".
The Mayor of Genoa, Marco Bucci, commented: "I am proud to see the great response in terms of big companies providing the city with technical and technological expertise and infrastructural and financial support. I am particularly grateful to Cassa depositi e prestiti, Fincantieri, Snam, Terna and to FS for the contribution they are currently providing to Genoa, their support is greatly appreciated, and is reiterated today with this agreement".