In the 10th report on strategic infrastructure was inserted the thematic focus of the CDP studies Service on the strategic role played by the National Promotional Institutions supported the creation of the Juncker Plan, true motor of the European economic recovery
The study points out the NPIS’ essential role to overcome a number of difficulties which would otherwise prevent the realization of preparatory investments for the recovery. In particular, by offering a system of guarantees, institutions will be able to attract private resources useful to complete the investments that present a higher risk profile, and that in another context, would be hardly realized.
As NPI, Cassa depositi e prestiti plays an active role in the actual implementation of the Juncker plan, allocating 8 billion euro for its implementation - and with significant energizing effect - encouraging the mobilization of substantial private resources on quality projects.
CDP also plays an active role in the selection of projects to be funded, and is working to take on the role of advisor to Italy for infrastructure projects and support for SMEs.
Finally, the case in close cooperation with the European Investment Bank, is working on the definition of platforms bringing together projects by size or sector, in order to reduce transaction costs and information and share more effectively the risk of various investors