Rome, 23 February 2021 - The Board of Directors meeting of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, held today, has given the go ahead for CDP Equity (CDPE) to submit a binding offer, within the framework of the Consortium established with The Blackstone Group International Partners L.L.P. and Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets (MIRA), for the purchase of the 88.06% equity interest held by Atlantia S.p.A. in Autostrade per l’Italia S.p.A. (ASPI) or for the purchase of up to 100% of the company if the minority shareholders of ASPI exercise their tag along right. It is envisaged that the equity interest will be purchased by the Consortium through a newly incorporated Italian company (BidCo), which will be, directly or indirectly, owned 51% by CDP Equity (CDPE) and 24.5% by Blackstone and MIRA respectively. CDPE will have the option to sell part of its shares to other institutional investors, with which it will jointly maintain a majority holding in BidCo. The transaction is consistent with CDP’s role as Italy’s leading investor in infrastructure, which is already a shareholder in companies that operate strategic national networks (Snam, Terna, Italgas, Tim and Open Fiber). The objectives of the investment by CDP Equity are, among things, to:
The offer may be submitted to Atlantia by the 24th of February, deadline specified by the same, once the decision-making process of MIRA is successfully completed.