CDP by the side of companies with

CDP by the side of companies with

The catalogue presenting all the incentives that CDP Group and other institutions make available to companies, professionals and citizens is presented to the MISE. Focus on end users, business support, synergic vision and presence in the country.

Rome March 12, 2019

Simplification, integration, knowledge and teamwork are the principles that have driven the creation of the portal, presented to Minister of Economic Development (MISE) by Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Economic Development, Fabrizio Palermo, CEO of CDP and Domenico Arcuri, CEO of Invitalia.

The new platform will make it possible to find all the incentives that the CDP Group and other institutions (Invitalia, Agencia delle Entrate, GSE, ENEA, Finest, INPS, ICE, Unioncamere and SofiCOOP) make available to businesses, professionals and citizens in a single, intuitive, simple and easy-to-read catalogue. This will help them respond to challenges including innovation, growth, energy efficiency, setting up new businesses, international expansion,  and much more.

"This initiative responds to the need to simplify the world of incentives available to businesses and citizens, promoting the awareness of these tools in the country and driving products based on user needs," announced CEO Fabrizio Palermo during the presentation of the project.

CDP is already working towards this by helping companies and start-ups innovate, supporting domestic and international growth, and facilitating access to credit directly with other investors, and indirectly through banks.

This also translates into an increasingly widespread presence in the country, to benefit further from the proximity to businesses and guarantee support to public administrations with direct involvement in the country and technical support activities: "We will soon open new offices in the country, to meet the needs of all our stakeholders".

The initiative is part of a stakeholder and end-user approach, which CDP is undertaking according to the guidelines of the 2019-2021 Business Plan.