Rome 13 July 2015
Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) announces that the new Board of Directors met today for the first time. Chaired by Claudio Costamagna, the other members are Mario Nuzzo, Fabio Gallia, Maria Cannata, Carla Patrizia Ferrari, Stefano Micossi, Alessandro Rivera, Alessandra Ruzzu and Isabella Seràgnoli.
The Board of Directors appointed Mario Nuzzo as Vice Chairman and Fabio Gallia as Chief Executive Officer of the company.
The Board of Directors is integrated for making decisions related to the "separate account" by the Director General of the Treasury, Vincenzo La Via; the delegate of the State Accountant General, Roberto Ferranti; and Piero Fassino, nominated by the Minister of Economy and Finance in representation of Municipalities. The appointment of the other two members representing the Regions and Provinces, is pending.
Secretary of the Board is Luigi Chessa, Deputy Secretary is Giorgio Righetti.
In addition, the Board established among its members the Strategic Committee and the Risk Committee, introduced with the modifications to the Articles of Association approved by the shareholders’ meeting last Friday. The Related Parties Committee and the Compensation Committee were also established.
The Strategic Committee, whose purpose is to support the organization and coordination of the Board and the strategic supervision of the company’s activity, is comprised of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, and the Chief Executive Officer.
The Risk Committee, whose purpose is the supervision and formulation of proposals for risk management policies and the evaluation of new investment products, is composed of Vice Chairman Mario Nuzzo as Chairman of the Committee, and by Maria Cannata and Carla Patrizia Ferrari.
The Related Parties Committee is composed of Stefano Micossi (Chairman), Alessandro Rivera and Alessandra Ruzzu.
The Compensation Committee is composed of Carla Patrizia Ferrari (Chairman), Alessandro Rivera and Isabella Seràgnoli.