Rome, 15 February 2017
With reference to the announcement made on 16 September 2016 and following the authorizations from the anitrust authorities and the Bank of Italy, Poste Italiane Spa (Poste Italiane) and FSI Investimenti Spa, a company controlled by CDP Equity Spa (Gruppo Cassa depositi e prestiti) have finalized the transfer to Poste Italiane of 30% of FSIA Investimenti Srl a company that holds 49.5% of SIA, a leader in the cards, payment systems and network services businesses.
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The operation qualifies as a transaction with related parties (as such that Poste Italiane and FSI Investimenti S.p.A. are both subject to the control of the Ministry of Economy and Finance) of lesser importance and, pursuant to the law and to the regulations applicable, was approved by the Board of Directors of Poste Italiane on 15 September 2016, following the favourable opinion expressed by the Control and Risk Committee established within the Board (which, at the time, was competent for operations with related parties and connected parties).