CDP and DIPE promote SDA Bocconi training course for public managers

CDP and DIPE promote SDA Bocconi training course for public managers

Enhancing skills and expertise in managing investment projects in Italy's most strategic growth sectors, from energy to transport and digital connectivity to social infrastructure. These are the primary aims of the “Advanced Course in Public Investment Management” organised by SDA Bocconi in partnership with the Department for Economic Policy Planning and Coordination (DIPE) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP). The course will begin on 26 October 2023 and end on 31 January 2024.

Today, the complex nature of investments and the need to specify public needs demand a deep review of public administration skills. In this light, the training programme seeks to boost the administrative power of the public administration, especially in relation to the PNRR and Cohesion funds. It also aims to build a network of public managers who can guarantee efficiency, effectiveness and innovation in administrative tasks.

The course, spanning 16 days (11 of which are spent in the classroom at SDA Bocconi in Milan and Rome, with the remaining 5 days dedicated to distance learning), also involves the development of a final project. This project will be presented at the programme's closing event. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to benefit from individual tutoring, conducted by experts from CDP and lecturers from SDA Bocconi.

The initiative targets 50 participants, chosen via an evaluation process overseen by SDA Bocconi, with the aim of achieving an equal balance between women and men. Thanks to the backing of CDP within the InvestEU Programme, participation in the training course is complimentary. This is based on the agreement signed in July between DIPE and CDP.

Applications must be sent by 10 October 2023 and can be submitted directly at