A loan agreement has been signed with Autostrade per l'Italia to support infrastructure development projects, with a focus on sustainability and safety
Strengthening the Italian motorway network by focusing on environmental protection and safety is the goal of the €1.7 billion loan agreement signed by CDP and Autostrade per l'Italia.
The initiative will allow ASPI to implement its plan for the upgrading and modernization of the national network, with a particular focus on green investments, linked to the construction of soundproofing systems and the improvement of safety in tunnels.
The loan agreement, consisting of a €1.1 billion of long-term loan and a €600 million five-year "revolving" credit line, reaffirms CDP's commitment to Italian infrastructure.
With the Large Infrastructure Platform, the collaboration with Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and the constitution of the advisory unit to the Public Administration, there are many measures and projects put in place for this strategic sector for the economic and social growth of the country.