Investments for citizens: from energy efficiency to the recovery of municipal buildings
Renovations at Palazzo Gherardi, the town hall; recovery of the “Don Paolo Stefani” theatre; and municipal housing renovations: these and other projects in Caprarola were completed with the support of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Work was also done to guarantee the safety and energy efficiency of the gyms at the Marchini Institute and of the Lorenzo Bonafede primary school.
The significant undertaking, backed by the municipal authorities in the name of sustainability and urban redevelopment, dedicated special attention to the town’s artistic and cultural heritage. The centre of Caprarola – a town of 5,400 located near Viterbo – is in fact home to a number of Renaissance buildings and is famous for Palazzo Farnese, a pentagon-shaped fortress dating back to the 15th century. The town has also been awarded the Orange Flag mark of distinction for tourism and the environment by the Italian Touring Club.
CDP made its professional skills available to the Municipality and favoured the timely disbursement of funds, ensuring the recovery of facilities that have a significant impact on the quality of life of the town’s citizens and on the cohesion of the community.