Rome, 25 May 2016 Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A.
Cassa depositi e prestiti S.p.A. (CDP)’s Board of Directors met today to call a shareholders’ meeting in order to approve a capital increase, inclusive of a share premium, for an amount totaling € 2,930,257,785 reserved for the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), to be achieved through the transfer of a stake in Poste Italiane S.p.A. (Poste) equal to 35% of the share capital.
The transaction will be governed and regulated by a ministerial decree issued pursuant to Article 5, paragraph 3, letter b) of Decree-Law no. 269/2003, and the stake will be assigned to CDP’s separate account.
The transfer will take place after the ex dividend date of Poste scheduled for 20 june 2016. The holding will be subject to strategic guidelines and management criteria so as to maintain the control of Poste by the MEF.
The transaction allows for the strengthening of CDP’s capital position, contributing to the achievement of the ambitious goals of CDP’s industrial plan and the evaluation and development of enhancement opportunities for both CDP and Poste groups, preserving the stability of Poste’s ownership and the current agreements between the companies.
CDP is assisted by Goldman Sachs International as financial advisor and by Studio Chiomenti as legal advisor.