CDP’s research team presented its new report at the National Conference of the National Association of local public transport companies (Asstra)
Old and out-of-date buses, trains and tracks, a scarcity of subway and tram networks, and declining demand for collective mobility are some of the problems identified by Cassa depositi and prestiti’s Research and Studies department and Asstra in a new report analyzing the Italian public transportation system.
In a clean break with the past, to improve its public transit, with significant public resources and a new approach to infrastructure, Italy needs to attract private capital and more effectively use public funds, the study says. These themes will be discussed at the XII Conference of the National Association of local public transport companies (Asstra).
The effort would be significant, according to the report, but in 17 years, through the benefits it creates, could generate an added value of 5.6 billion euros and create 137 thousand jobs a year.
Click here for all the data presented at the conference Asstra and the link to the full study.