Online the new report produced by CDP Research Department and presented on the occasion of the inauguration of the new CDP headquarters in Verona
The North-East area produces almost a quarter of the national GDP, generates a third of Italian exports and represents about a fifth of the Italian population. The new Focus published by CDP Research analyzes the main economic strengths and weaknesses of this area, which is strategic for the development of the Italian territory.
Pillar of the national industry, the North-East has faced the economic crisis with greater resilience than other areas of the country, leveraging on a dynamic entrepreneurial system and a significant capacity to respond to external shocks.
Despite this positive framework, some elements deserve special attention. Today, to continue competing on a global scale, new challenges are arising for the model of economic development of the North-East area, which has to strengthen the presence of its companies in the most dynamic global markets.
To address these challenges, it is essential to promote new forms of innovation, based not only on the modernization of the means of production, but also on changes in production, management and organizational processes. Improving managerial aspects and strengthening the quality and training of the workforce are other two crucial factors to create an ecosystem capable of keeping abreast of the rapid developments affecting global markets.
More competitive companies and higher levels of technological development will create new job opportunities for the most talented young people and increase the attractiveness of the territory, generating a virtuous circle of continuous growth and development.
Read the report (ITA)