A new middle school in Pianopoli thanks to support from CDP

A new middle school in Pianopoli thanks to support from CDP

A new video by #ItaliaComune features the school building project in Calabria

For 170 years, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti's history has been intertwined with that of large and small towns that rely on our resources to improve their citizens' quality of life.

Pianopoli is celebrating the 150th anniversary since its name changed from Feroleto-Piano, which was linked to the earthquake that destroyed much of the town in 1638. The Mayor describes CDP as the town's "lifeblood" in a video for  #ItaliaComune, the project that recounts our commitment to local areas, together with ANCI.

The town has always used loans from our institution to carry out new public works for its approximately 2,500 inhabitants. This is a commitment we are undertaking with many towns in southern Italy.

The loan from CDP enabled the town in Catanzaro province to build a new middle school, the "Saverio Gatti" Comprehensive Institute, and display a plaque at the entrance to the school. It is a way of informing all the pupils, who will be sitting at the desks of the Lametina school in the coming years, about our mission to  enhance the economic, social and cultural development of the country.