For the second year, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will be an Observer to the platform established to collaborate with the European Commission on devising a legislative framework to regulate sustainable finance in Europe.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will be taking part, for a second year, in the work of the 'EU Platform On Sustainable Finance', the European Commission's advisory body of experts from the public and private sectors that is aiming to help the Commission give a legislative framework to the subject of sustainable finance in Europe.
This is a crucial tool for the Commission to move towards an economy with no environmental impact, in which CDP will be represented as an 'Observer' by Gaia Ghirardi, Head of Policy and Sustainability. As the sole National Promotion Institute involved in the work of this expert group, CDP confirms its importance as a key player in European sustainable finance.
The Platform's work for its second term will be based on the expertise of 35 Members and 14 Observers, involving stakeholders from the financial and private sector as well as prominent public institutions, including the European Investment Bank Group, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Supervisory Authorities, the European Environment Agency, and the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
Dialogue and close collaboration between a broad range of stakeholders is fundamental to achieving the objectives of the EU Regulation on the Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities, the European Green Deal and the EU Climate tartgets for 2030 and 2050.
During the Platform's new mandate, CDP will draw on the experience gained in previous European working tables and play an active role in formulating European policies on sustainable finance, while also bringing the vision and long-term perspective of other National Promotion Institutes operating in Europe to the table.
For more information on the “EU Platform on Sustainable Finance” click here.