2023 Impact Monitoring Report presented to stakeholders

2023 Impact Monitoring Report presented to stakeholders

Widespread commitment nationwide, concentrated in strategic fields of intervention and additional to the market. This is the overview of the 2023 Impact Monitoring Report presented by CDP on Wednesday, 29 May at the offices of Via Goito, with around one hundred stakeholders present.

The objective of the meeting, which opened with greetings from Chief Executive Officer Dario Scannapieco and Chief Economist and Director of Sector Strategy and Impact Andrea Montanino, was to give transparency to CDP’s actions and to engage with stakeholders with a view to ongoing improvement. 

Impact monitoring and assessment, as highlighted by CEO Scannapieco, are at the heart of the sustainable development strategy of CDP, which has adopted a “risk-return-impact” model aimed not only at minimising risks and maximising returns, but also at measuring the impact generated by interventions in favour of the economic, social and environmental development of enterprises, territories and the country as a whole.

In 2023, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti deployed resources of 20.1 billion euro, which translated into a GDP volume generated of 1.4%. The intervention focused predominantly on the 10 fields considered to be strategic with 16.7 billion, equal to 83% of the total, up sharply over the prior year (68%). This coincided with a net increase in the amount of additional resources, i.e. those that would not have been added to the market without CDP’s intervention, equal to 80% of total resources (+15 percentage points over 2022).

Particularly noteworthy was the support for strategic supply chains, with 6.4 billion committed, and for social infrastructure, with 2.4 billion, mainly for student housing and to secure the building stock. The commitment to transport (2.3 billion) and energy transition projects (2 billion) was also significant.

An interesting fact is the widespread dissemination of CDP’s activities across the country. Approximately 19 thousand counterparties are financed, including mainly companies, served directly and through the banking channel, and public administrations. CDP has financed at least one counterparty in over 3 thousand Italian municipalities (41% of the total), where 78% of the Italian population resides. 

For more information, see the 2023 Impact Monitoring Report.

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