The funding will be used to install new roasting lines and create new storage areas
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has signed a €10 million financing agreement to support Caffè Borbone’s growth plans in Italy and abroad; the company operates in the Italian market for the production of compostable pods and compatible capsules. The funds from CDP are intended to support part of the Campania-based company's financing requirements for new investments linked to its development in Italy and abroad in the coming years. Specifically, they will allow the company to install new roasting lines and equipment for the production of coffee products and construct new areas for the storage of raw materials and finished products at its Caivano plant near Naples.
The new investments are aimed at increasing Caffè Borbone's production capacity. The increase in production volumes will be used to increase exports abroad. The transaction is in line with the intervention priorities identified in CDP's 2022-2024 Plan and, more specifically, with the Guidelines concerning the support of strategic supply chains, providing backing for a company that intends to consolidate its competitive position at a national and European level and within value chains.
Caffè Borbone – which has over 25 years of history, a turnover of more than €260 million and about 300 employees – is one of the leading specialised producers of coffee in compostable pods and compatible capsules, with a deep commercial network across Italy and sales volumes that are seeing continuous growth. Traditional ground coffee for coffee pots and coffee beans complete its offering. Since 2018, the company has been part of the Italmobiliare Group, one of Italy’s leading investment holding companies.