Governance of Cassa Depositi e prestiti | CDP


We transparently work to carry out our institutional mission of supporting and promoting Italian development policies, all the while acknowledging the importance of the task at hand

The Board of Directors guides and directs the Group's activities, with the support of internal Committees and the supervision of control bodies. 

The Board of Directors, responsible for the management of the company and the definition of the group's strategy, was appointed July 15th, 2024 by shareholders.

The Board is supported in its decisions by four internal committees with consulting and advisory functions. Complementing the Governance are the Board of Auditors Supervisory Board, the Parliamentary Supervisory Commission and Support Committee of minority shareholders.

The Board of Directors consists of eleven members and is integrated, for the management of resources from postal savings (Separate Management), by the Director-General of the Treasury, by the Accountant General of the State, three representatives of the regions, provinces and municipalities. A magistrate of the Court of Auditors attend the meetings of the Board.

Giovanni Gorno Tempini

Chairman Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

See the biography
Dario Scannapieco

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager

See the biography

Matilde Bini


Maria Cannata


Stefano Cuzzilla


Luisa D'Arcano


Francesco Di Ciommo


Luigi Guiso


Giorgio Lamanna


Flavia Mazzarella


Valentina Milani


Separate account
Piero Antonelli

Director (Separate account)

Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte

Director (Separate account)

Alessia Grillo

Director (Separate account)

Pier Paolo Italia

Director (Separate account)

Veronica Nicotra

Director (Separate account)


Risk and Sustainability Committee

The Risk and Sustainability Committee, which supports the Board of Directors with respect to risk management, sustainability strategy, policies, and reporting, is composed of Maria Cannata (Chairman), Francesco Di Ciommo, Giorgio Lamanna, and Valentina Milani.

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee, responsible for making proposals to the Board of Directors on the remuneration of social and bylaws bodies, is composed of Francesco Di Ciommo (Chairman), Stefano Cuzzilla and Matilde Bini.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee, which supports the appointment process of the corporate body members of the companies directly or indirectly invested in by CDP, is composed of Giovanni Gorno Tempini (Chairman), Dario Scannapieco, and Riccardo Barbieri Hermitte, according to the provisions of the related Rules of Procedure.

Related Parties Committee

The Related Parties Committee, responsible for issuing preliminary opinions on transactions with related parties carried out by CDP, is composed of Flavia Mazzarella (Chairman), Luigi Guiso, and Luisa D’Arcano.

Support non-controlling shareholders’ Committee

The support non-controlling shareholders’ Committee have 9 members, appointed by the non-controlling shareholders: Marco Gilli (Chairman), Orazio Abbamonte, Cristina Colaiacovo, Roberto Giordana, Leonello Guidetti, Gilberto Muraro, Anna Maria Poggi, Maria Oliva Scaramuzzi, Carlo Schönsberg. 


Board of Statutory Auditors and Supervisory Board

The functions of the Supervisory Board, pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, are entrusted to the Board of Statutory Auditors.

It is made up of five standing auditors and two alternates.

Board of Auditors

The auditors serve a term of three years and may be re-elected.

  • Chairman: Carlo Corradini
  • Standing auditors: Franca Brusco, Mauro D’Amico, Patrizia Graziani, Davide Maggi 
  • Alternates auditors: Giuseppe Zottoli e Anna Maria Ustino
Parliamentary Supervisory Committee
Financial Calendar

Financial Report Approval Meetings

April 9 Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the draft separate financial statements and consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2024.
May 22
(first call)

May 29 
(second call)

Annual general Shareholders’ Meeting for the approval of the financial statements at 31December 2024.
July 31st Meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the half-yearly financial report at 30 June 2025.