Technical assistance and European programmes

Technical assistance solutions and European programmes Cooperation


We provide technical assistance solutions to facilitate project execution and develop stakeholder capabilities


How it works

Our goal is to enhance the effectiveness of our initiatives by forging strategic partnerships with other actors in international cooperation. We use European resources to offer guarantees and technical advisory services, and to promote sustainable development initiatives.

In 2017, the European Union launched the External Investment Plan (EIP) to bolster investments in Africa and neighbouring EU countries, with the aim of creating a positive cycle to expedite their development. The main objectives of the EIP are to: contribute to sustainable development, generate employment, and stimulate economic growth in Partner Countries, eliminating barriers to private investment by reducing their risks, which will also positively address the root causes of irregular migration.

The European Commission (EC) has allocated €5.1 billion in funds with the objective of stimulating over €50 billion in new investments via a range of financial instruments.

The EIP offers a comprehensive package that encompasses the provision of financial guarantees, coupled with resources for technical assistance activities. These are not only aimed at project structuring, but also at enhancing capabilities and providing training for the beneficiaries of interventions and other local stakeholders involved.

Following the success of the EIP, the Commission has incorporated the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+) guarantee instrument into the new European financial framework. This expands the objectives and geographical scope of the EIP, potentially encompassing all Partner Countries.

From 2022, we will also access the resources of the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) programme, which for the first time is open to the private sector. The programme provides an integrated package of resources (investment grants) to be blended with CDP's own resources and resources for technical assistance activities. CDP currently has an active programme dedicated to green finance (Green Finance for Inclusion).

Initiatives and projects

The table shows the initiatives we are carrying out or have concluded with the support of the European Commission.

Intiatives table


Progetto / Programma Paese Settore Partner Donatore Natura Fondi Donatore Contributo donatore mln/€ Status
Archipelagos Nord Africa e Africa Sub-sahariana Piccole e medie imprese   Commissione Europea Garanzia e Assistenza Tecnica

30 (Garanzia)
5 (Assistenza Tecnica)

In esecuzione
Pasped Senegal Micro, piccole e medie imprese Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (AICS) Commissione Europea Assistenza Tecnica

13,7 (Assistenza Tecnica)

InclusiFI Nord Africa e Africa Sub-sahariana Micro, piccole e medie imprese Agenzia spagnola per la cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo (AECID) Commissione Europea Garanzia e Assistenza Tecnica

60 (Garanzia)
11 (Assistenza Tecnica)

In esecuzione
EGRE Africa Sub-sahariana Energie rinnovabili   Commissione Europea Garanzia e Assistenza Tecnica

12 (Garanzia)
5,5 (Assistenza Tecnica)

In esecuzione
Finance in Common Summit (FiCS) 2021 Globale Settori diversi (Tema Finanza sostenibile per gli SDGs) Banche Pubbliche di Sviluppo e altri stakeholder aderenti alla coalizione FiCS Commissione Europea Contributo per attività Coalizione FiCS


Green Finance for Inclusion (GF4I) Balcani occidentali Settori green (con focus su imprenditoria sociale, agricoltura sostenibile, economia circolare ed eco-turismo e con particolare attenzione a donne e giovani)   Commissione Europea Investment Grant e Grant per Assistenza Tecnica

8,9 (investment grant)
0,7 (Assistenza Tecnica)

In esecuzione

Learn about some of our projects


Programma ideato per favorire  l’accesso al credito alle Micro, Piccole e Medie Imprese (MPMI) del continente Africano.


Innovative programme dedicated to companies on the African continent aimed at strengthening their entrepreneurial capacity, in order to facilitate access to capital markets.