Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism

Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism


Mechanism made available to the civil society in order to report current or potentially negative social / environmental impacts that may result from operations financed by CDP or from operations for which the financial support of CDP was requested within the scope of the International Cooperation and Development Finance Area (ICDF).

Who can submit the request

Individuals or communities damaged or likely to be harmed by an operation financed by CDP or for which financial support of CDP is requested 

How it works

We guarantee the transparent management of the grievance request.

The request, sent to CDP in accordance with conditions and requirements of the Policy, is subject to the verification of scope and applicability of the Mechanism and check on eligibility, the result of which is promptly communicated to the party who presented the request.

If the application is deemed eligible, the Grievance Body conducts the necessary analysis to verify that the CDP’s work was compliant with the relevant policies and standards and illustrates the result of these analyses in a Final Report.

The party will later receive a communication regarding the result of the analysis, including any decision to resort to mediation (process which consists in having recourse to an external figure in the event of a legal dispute).

How to submit the request 

The form available on CDP’s corporate website to the following link, must be completed in Italian or in English and sent via:

  • E-mail:;
  • Certified e-mail (PEC): (in the “Object” filed specify "International Cooperation Grievance - Department Internal Audit"); 
  • Ordinary mail – Send to: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti spa - Via Goito, 4 - 00185 Rome, Italy. On the the envelope please specify “International Cooperation Grievance - Department Internal Audit”.


An accessible and transparent mechanism


Check and analysis


of analysis result

For more details, download the infographic