CDP Reti: Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group | CDP


CDP RETI manages Snam, Italgas and Terna holdings to support the development of strategic infrastructure of the country in the gas and electricity sectors

CDP RETI is an investment vehicle established in October 2012 whose shares are owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Spa (59.1%); State Grid Europe Limited - SGEL (35%), a company owned by State Grid Corporation of China; and the remainder owned by Italian institutional investors (5.9%).

CDP RETI's mission is to manage the holdings in Snam (31.35%)*, Italgas (25.98%)* and TERNA (29.85%)* as a long-term investor with the aim to support the development of gas transport, regasification, storage and distribution as well as electricity transmission infrastructures.

Data as of 31.12.2024

Snam is leader in Europe in the construction and integrated management of natural gas infrastructure. The Company is active in natural gas transportation (Snam Rete Gas), storage (Stogit) and regasification (Gnl Italia). It manages the national gas transportation network.


Italgas is the leading natural gas distribution network operator in Italy and the third in Europe. Since November 2016, the Company is listed in the FTSE MIB index of the Italian stock exchange.

Terna is a large operator in electricity transmission grids. Through Terna Rete Italia, the Company safely manages the National Transmission Grid while, through Terna Plus, it manages new business opportunities and non traditional activities, also abroad.


Board of Directors (2021-2023)

  • Chairman: Giovanni Gorno Tempini
  • Chief Executive Officer: Dario Scannapieco
  • Directors: Sabrina Coletti, Yanli Liu, Qinjing Shen

Board of Statutory Auditors (2021-2023)

  • Chairman: Florinda Aliperta
  • Standing auditors:  Paola Dinale, Paolo Sebastiani
  • Alternates auditors: Samantha Gardin, Ugo Tribulato

Independent Auditors

  • Deloitte & Touche S.p.A.
Company data

CDP RETI società per azioni

  • Registered Office: Rome - via Goito, 4
  • Share Capital: € 161.514,00, fully paid up
  • Business Register of Rome: no. 12084871008
  • Registered with Chamber of Commerce of Rome: no. REA 1349016
  • Tax code: 12084871008
  • VAT number: no. 12084871008
Credit Rating

CDP RETI's rating is assigned by two of the main credit rating agencies:


Long-Term Baa3 BBB
Outlook Stable Positive
Last publication 06/02/2024 31/10/2024


Press release
Date Press Download
12 May 2020 h. 19:30
Fitch reduces CDP Reti’s rating to BBB- Outlook Stable
01 April 2020 h. 15:02
CDP RETI: Board of Directors approves the draft separate financial statements and 2019 consolidated financial statements
28 November 2019 h. 12:26
CDP RETI: BoD approves interim dividend 2019 of 267 million euros
18 November 2019 h. 19:10
CDP RETI: Fitch affirms CDP Reti rating at BBB. The Outlook remains
27 March 2019 h. 11:23
CDP RETI: Board of Directors approves the consolidated financial statements and the draft separate financial statements for 2018

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