CDP Real Asset SGR
We intervene through direct funds and indirect funds (funds of funds) to support the growth of social housing infrastructures, urban regeneration, support for the tourist accommodation sector and the development of sustainable infrastructures in our country. We operate by promoting the principles of additionality and complementarity, which characterise the Group's strategy in relation to the market. In order to maximise the impact of our intervention, we aim to catalyse the resources of institutional, national and European investors capable of supporting projects that have a direct impact on the country. We offer co-investors diversified instruments with returns commensurate with the risk profile. The common denominator of our work is that we strive to meet high standards of ESG performance in line with the Group's best practice.
Value of assets managed
Direct and indirect investment funds
Properties in portfolio
CDP Real Asset in numbers
CDP Real Asset Società di Gestione del Risparmio SpA is an asset management company established on 24 February 2009 at the initiative of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, together with ACRI - Association of Foundations and Savings Banks and ABI - Italian Banking Association.
Since its establishment, the capital of CDP Real Asset has been held 70% by CDP and 15% each by ACRI and ABI.
CDP Real Asset is subject to the management and coordination of CDP.
The Board of Directors guides and manages the activities of CDP Real Asset SGR with the support of internal committees and the supervision of control bodies. Our managers contribute to the definition and realisation of business objectives.
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As a member of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group, we benefit from a deeply rooted system of values to which we are all committed.
CDP Real Asset Società di Sviluppo del Risparmio SpA - Company subject to the management and coordination of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA
CDP REAL ASSET SGR adheres to the Arbitrator for Financial Disputes (ACF), established by CONSOB with resolution No. 19602 of 4 May 2016.
The Arbitrator has jurisdiction over disputes relating to the breach by financial intermediaries of the duties of diligence, accuracy, information and transparency in the exercise of the activity regulated by Part II of the Consolidated Law on Finance (TUF), including cross-border disputes and disputes covered by EU Regulation No. 524/2013, with the exception of disputes relating to claims for sums of money in excess of Euro 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand euros).
The right to appeal to the Arbitration Court (ACF) cannot be waived by the customer and can always be exercised, even if there are clauses in the investment contracts governing the relationship between the customer and the intermediary that refer disputes to other out-of-court settlement bodies.
CDP REAL ASSET SGR guarantees that any complaint received from a Customer will always be assessed in accordance with the guidelines established by the Arbitrator (ACF). In the event of rejection or partial acceptance of such complaints, CDP Investimenti SGR will provide the Customer with adequate information on how and when to lodge an appeal with the Arbitrator (ACF) at CONSOB.
Using the ACF is free.
Appeals are made online, through the ACF website (; available from 9 January 2017).