Climate change and protecting the ecosystem

Climate change and protection of the ecosystem are fundamental challenges of the twenty-first century.

Our operations centre around 3 areas of intervention: the energy transition, safeguarding the territory - with actions to protect local areas and achieve a more efficient and sustainable management of the water sector - and the circular economy, with loans for multi-utility companies operating on the national territory and local authority projects for the management of integrated water services, energy distribution and generation and waste cycle management.

For the energy transition, the Group supports businesses and the public administration with direct loans and provides advisory services for energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable mobility. In 2023, for example, we disbursed a 50 million loan to Be Charge for the development of one of the biggest high-speed charging networks in Europe, to promote electric mobility, and a 15 million loan to Sammontana Italia for a new production line with less environmental impact in terms of energy efficiency and a reduced use of raw materials, with a view to the circular economy.

Partnering up with the European Investment Bank (EIB), we promoted the “Green Loan” for the public administration, to encourage sustainable, subsidised investment and in 2023 we disbursed the first loan for €20 million.

Through CDP Equity, we have supported the development of joint ventures and platforms in partnership with leading Italian firms for the production of renewable energy, including GreenIT and Renovit.

As part of out commitment to international cooperation and development finance, we also manage the Fondo Italiano per il Clima (Italian Climate Fund), on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, which aims to promote actions to adapt to and combat climate change in countries identified by the OECD’s DAC (Development Assistance Committee), as DAC member countries.