CDP is managing the €200 million fund. Applications open until 19 December 2021
Funding for the energy requalification of healthcare facilities, schools and public sports facilities. This is the aim of the Kyoto fund, launched with an inter-ministerial decree involving the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Ministry for the Economy and Finance, in agreement with the Ministry for Economic Development, the Ministry for Education and the Ministry for Universities and Research. The call opened with the publication of the notification in the Italian Official Gazette on 22 June and applications are open until midnight on 19 December 2021.
Almost a quarter of global energy consumption comes from buildings, in electricity use and for heating (source: IEA 2020), and it is of paramount importance that action is taken to upgrade the public building stock, which is what the Kyoto Fund aims to do.
Specifically, €200 million has been made available, €180 million for works requested by public entities and €20 million for investment projects proposed by closed real estate funds. The loans, with a maximum duration of 20 years, will have a subsidised fixed nominal annual rate of 0.25%, while the maximum amount that can be requested per individual building is €2 million. Works will also have to guarantee an improvement in the energy efficiency rating of the building of at least two energy classes. The admission procedure will be carried out in chronological order of receipt of applications, until available funds are exhausted.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will manage the entire life cycle of the subsidised loans, starting from the platform for submitting applications for the Kyoto fund, which can be found at the following link.