There is time until 15 January to respond to the Public Notice
The mission of the Public Notice is to promote the digital use of Italian municipality services, through a greater dissemination of digital identity systems, the pagoPA payment platform and the IO app. The Public Notice is promoted by PagoPA S.p.A. in agreement with the Department for Digital Transformation and the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), which allocates the resources provided for in the Technological Innovation and Digitization Fund.
In a world where people are increasingly connected and companies are becoming more aware that any delay in digitization is a significant competitive disadvantage, which could lead to exclusion from the market, the digital transformation of the Public Administration is crucial.
Many mayors and administrators of Italy’s public entities understand the strategic importance of innovating to offer the public digital services that simplify daily life and make administrative work more efficient. Indeed, over 2000 local administrations have already signed up to the Public Notice.
Municipalities still have until 15 January 2021 to submit their applications for online membership, according to the procedures described on the PagoPA website in the Innovation Fund section. All Italian Municipalities which, as required by the Digital Simplification and Innovation decree (Decree Law No.76/2020), are required to carry out or complete the migration to the pagoPA payment platform, sign up for public digital identity systems and integrate the IO app by 28 February 2021, can participate and request a grant, except for those included in regional agreements with similar aims to those included in the Public Notice.
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has recently signed an agreement with PagoPA S.p.A. to raise awareness of the company’s services, through the CDP Group’s network of branches and communication channels, and is part of the plan to promote more modern, efficient public services.