Cassa depositi e prestiti Spa (CDP) informs that the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting has met today.
The Shareholders’ Meeting has approved some amendments to the articles of association intended to ensure the consistency of CDP’s articles of association with the provisions of the Prime Minister’s Order of 25 May 2012, which, in setting out the procedures for the disposal of Eni Spa’s holding in Snam Spa and designating CDP as the most appropriate entity to ensure a stable core of shareholders for Snam, specifies new governance arrangements designed to ensure the separation of the owner of natural gas production and supply activities from the owner and operator of gas transport activities. These arrangements also apply to the management of Terna SpA, applying – in general – to the management of the equity investments held by CDP in subsidiaries that operate key national energy infrastructure.
More specifically, the approved amendments regard the following areas:
Rome, 12 September 2012