CDP Real Asset on the European working group for the housing emergency

CDP Real Asset on the European working group for the housing emergency

The growing needs of local communities and citizens as regards dwellings and housing for specific sections of the population, the so-called “grey bracket”, must be met quickly and with tangible solutions. How can this be achieved? By identifying supply and demand trends, acting as privileged stakeholders and examining joint projects, perhaps exploiting public-private partnerships, contributing to the development of a systemic approach and also acquiring an important partner in Europe. A case in point given that the new European Commission, put together by Ursula Von der Layen, has appointed a Commissioner for Housing (Dan Jørgensen), as Stefano Lo Russo, Mayor of Turin, host city of the 2024 Eurocities workshop, underlined while opening proceedings.

Also taking part in the opening working group, “National and European strategies for solving the housing emergency”, was Filippo Catena, FIA manager at CDP Real Asset, who illustrated the consolidated activities that the real estate branch of the CDP Group has carried out in recent years, particularly as regards the “3 S’s” of Social, Student and Senior Housing. “In terms of the development of social housing we have raised €2 billion by investing in 28 target funds which in turn have a budget of €2 billion. We have therefore made a total of €4 billion available for investment at national and local community level.”

CDP Real Asset is a patient investor with a time horizon of 25-30 years and a controlled return which focuses constant and growing attention on ESG issues. At operational level, in 2024 alone CDP RA has invested in 6 funds that have designed and developed projects for 10,000 new beds for university students, 6800 of which already at an advanced stage at 8 worksites spread across Italy.

“We are now focused on launching the Senior Housing project to meet the needs of the self-sufficient over-65 population, guaranteeing not just dwellings and housing but also essential additional services for this section of the population”, added Catena, who then concluded his talk by highlighting the launch of European capital fundraising, as in the case of the Fondo Nazionale dell’Abitare (National Housing Fund), the first investment vehicle in Europe dedicated to social housing, supported by the guarantee of the InvestEU programme. “Another option is the partnership that has been set up with the European Investment Fund (EIF), confirmation of the ability of Italian projects to attract international capital.”

Also sitting on the working group were the Councillor for Social Policy, Rights and Equal Opportunities of the City of Turin, Jacopo Rosatelli, and the corresponding councillors of the Municipalities of Roma Capitale, Bologna, Milan, Naples, Parma, Arezzo, Cesena, Brescia and Bergamo, as well as Director of the EU Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Ruth Paserman, and the Secretary General of Eurocities, André Sobczak.